Pain Relief Tips & Resources
Read our latest pain relief tips and resource articles from our health blog. We cover topics ranging from pain, injuries, and current treatment strategies that are supported by research. We’ve tried to distill this information down to a simple, easy-to-read format, so you don’t have to wade through the mind-numbing statistics, p-values, and T-tests. Our hope is that these articles help guide you on your road to overcoming pain and returning to those activities that are meaningful to you.

This Poo Shall Pass: A Pelvic Floor Therapist Discusses Constipation
Let’s be honest, talking about poop can be a little bit uncomfortable and somewhat embarrassing. In this article, we will be talking about constipation and ways to help have a normal, healthy bowel movement so let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable....

“I Tried Physical Therapy Before and it Didn’t Work”
“I’ve tried physical therapy before, but it didn’t work for me”. This phrase makes me cringe! Unfortunately for some people this is true. And just like with any other profession, there are therapists who are fantastic and passionate about their field, and those who...

Lifestyle Changes to Stay Active, Healthy, and Happy
Recommendations for Lifestyle Changes to Stay Active, Healthy, and Happy I am a physical therapist - that being said, I already have a bias towards exercise and physical activity. I love to encourage others to engage in any type of physical activity that they enjoy...

Sitting: The New Smoking?
Some may say that sitting is the new smoking due to the negative health effects. Sitting for long periods and being relatively sedentary can cause various chronic health conditions. Many jobs require excessive sitting, some may report sitting for 8-10 hours per day at...

Blue Zones | Augusta GA
There is a recent documentary on Netflix called “Live to 100; Secrets of the Blue Zones”. It is a great watch if you’re looking for something wholesome and enlightening. In it, Dan Buettner travels to 5 communities around the globe where people consistently live...

Barefoot Walking to Decrease Pain From Plantar Fasciitis
Could reducing foot pain from plantar fasciitis really be as simple was barefoot walking? If you've been looking around the inter webs, you've probably seen a chart circulating social media showing that walking in bare feet reduces pain more than walking in shoes....

Made to Move
Often when treating patients we see bodies that have been harmed, or pain that has been worsened because of inactivity or sedentary lifestyles. Sometimes this is a result of illness or injury, but often it is the result of a slow fade away from exercise and activity...

Home Accessibility & Safety: For People wanting to Age in Place
Whether you are a family member caring for an aging loved one or someone who is planning for the future, there can be a tremendous amount of information to sift through. Hopefully, this guide will help provide some clarity around all of the information you may find on...

Home Modification for Fall Prevention
Falls, with or without injury, can significantly impact the quality of life of older adults. Most older adults want to maintain their independence and stay in their home as long as safely possible. In order to do so, research shows that home modification can reduce...

Don’t Fall! A PT Shares 5 Tips to Reduce Fall Risks at Home
More than one out of three people 65 years old or older fall each year, and these falls are recurrent in half of these cases [1]. Check out the acrostic below to learn about several ways to reduce fall risks at home. When considering the high cost of an injury from a...
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