This is another article comes from our resident Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy expert, Susannah Azofeifa, PT, DPT. In it, she shares 5 effective techniques to reduce pelvic pain.
Here is her list.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Happy Baby Pose
- Cat & Camel Exercises
- Hip Adductor Stretches
- Pelvic Want or Dilators
Below, Susannah dives into the specifics of each, how they work, and why they’re beneficial.
5 Effective Techniques to Reduce Pelvic Pain
These techniques aim at relaxing the nervous system, lengthening muscles in the pelvic floor, address the movement at the lumbar spine and pelvis, reduce pain, and targeting specific muscles in the pelvic foor.
1. Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing works to relax the central nervous system and is directly related to pelvic floor muscle relaxation. Pelvic floor muscle relaxation leads to lengthening and decreased muscle tone in the pelvic floor. This helps reduce pelvic pain.
2. Happy Baby Pose
The happy baby pose helps to lengthen both the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles that connect to the pelvic floor. This helps to reduce tension and tightness in this area.
3. Cat & Camel Exercise
This movement of the lumbar spine and pelvic, pairs with breathing, helps to improve muscle length and decrease muscle tone in the pelvic floor. To do this, breathe in while you extend your back (tope image), and breathe out as you round your back (bottom image).
4. Adductor Stretches
As with happy baby pose, stretching the adductor muscles of the hip helps to lengthen the hip and pelvic floor muscles. This decreased muscle activity, relaxes muscles, and reduces pelvic pain.
5. Pelvic Wand or Dilators
Use of pelvic wands and dilators can assist in reducing pelvic pain by targeting specific muscles. You can apply pressure to a specific muscle that is painful until it released. This allows the muscle to move through full range of motion. You can find one of these wands here.
At the end of the day, no one technique or exercise cures all pain. Especially when it comes to Pelvic Pain, guidance of a skilled and experienced clinician helps the process. That being said, hopefully this list of stretches and strategies helps if you’re experiencing pelvic pain. If you live near the Augusta Area, you can always book an appointment with us for an evaluation.