Proactive Rehabilitation & Wellness
Your guides to better health!
Proactive Rehabilitation & Wellness offers comprehensive & individualized exercise therapy programs for patients experiencing cardiac or vascular problems.
As with many other medical diagnoses, conservative management of cardiac and vascular problems can provide real benefits without the risks associated with more invasive treatments for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and claudication.
Why Physical Therapy for Cardiac & Vascular Pain?
Many factors influence leg pain, particularly when walking. Especially with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), leg cramps that stop at rest (claudication) causes real functional limitations as well as pain.
As with many other medical diagnoses, conservative management can provide real benefits without the risks associated with more invasive treatments for patients with PVD and claudication.
Some of these conservative treatments include lifestyle modifications (smoking cessation & nutrition/diet changes).
Also, under the supervision of a qualified clinician (physical/occupational therapy), patients can participate in individualized exercise programs based on their function & ability.
These programs aim to increase cardiac efficiency, leading to improved bloodflow and peripheral oxygen utilization.
Read about our Cardiac & Vascular Therapy Programs below.

Why Physical or Occupational Therapy for Lymphedema?
Often a diagnosis of lymphedema is met with feelings of despair due to the typical progression of the disease, but it does not have to be. It can also be challenging for providers to determine the most effective treatment approach, as little available evidence currently exists.
The physical complications of lymphedema include DVT (deep vein thrombosis), cellulitis, amputation, and functional impairments. The psychosocial impairments can be lasting and debilitating as well [s]. Conservative therapeutic techniques backed by current evidence offer hope to many individuals facing this diagnosis.
What is involved in conservative management of lymphedema?
Conservative management may include manual lymph drainage, exercise, compression bandaging, skin care, pneumatic compression, extremity elevation, taping, aquatic lymphatic therapy, and thermal therapy. According to research a combination of these treatment approaches can cause a 45-70% reduction in lymph volume [3].
Complete Decongestive Therapy (DCT) involves manual lymphatic drainage and compression bandaging performed by an experienced Occupational or Physical therapist. One study measured fluid shifts before, after, and during CDT and the results showed decreased limb volume after just 1 week of CDT [1].
[1] Brix, B., Apich, G., Rössler, A., Walbrodt, S., & Goswami, N. (2021). Effects of physical therapy on hyaluronan clearance and volume regulating hormones in lower limb lymphedema patients: A pilot study. Science progress, 104(1), 36850421998485.
[3] Tzani, I., Tsichlaki, M., Zerva, E., Papathanasiou, G., & Dimakakos, E. (2018). Physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of lymphedema: state-of-the-art. Lymphology, 51(1), 1–12.
Cardiac & Vascular Therapy & Supervised Exercise Programs
ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness use evidenced-based, proven cardiac & vascular therapy techniques and treatment approaches to treat many conditions. Below is a small list of the most common diagnoses that may benefit from this type of therapy.
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
Heart Failure
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Chest Pain (Angina)
Coronary Artery Disease
Pulmonary Hypertension
History of a Heart Attack or Heart Surgery
Schedule Your Cardiac & Vascular Therapy Consultation
Do you experience leg pain or cramps while walking?
Have you been diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease (PVD)?
Are you recovering from a recent heart surgery or stent?
Do you experience chest pain (angina) with normal activity?
Do you have a history of a heart attack or heart failure?
Have you been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension? ?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then Cardiac & Vascular Therapy may help you meet your goals, decrease your pain, and get you on the path to a strong, healthy, pain-free life.
Click the button below to schedule your Cardiac & Vascular Therapy Consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why would I choose therapy as a treatment for cardiac or vascular problems?
As with many other medical diagnoses, conservative management can provide real benefits without the risks associated with more invasive treatments for patients with cardiac issues, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), and claudication. These therapy programs include supervised exercise treatment (SET) and aim to increase cardiac efficiency, leading to improved blood flow and peripheral oxygen utilization. This can lead to improved endurance & strength as well as decreased leg pain.
What are the benefits of treatment?
The medical research indicates that there are a number of benefits associated with these types of treatments for cardiac and vascular conditions, including:
- Improved ATP Production (mitochondrial function)
- Increased Muscle Strength
- Improved Walking Due To Improved Biomechanics
- Decreased Pain (Improved Pain Threshold)
What are the common types of treatment for these conditions?
There have been great developments in recent years in the treatment guidelines and programs for patients experiencing leg pain due to vascular issues as well as other problems related to cardiac and vascular diagnoses. Here are a few treatment programs available through physical & occupational therapy:
- Treadmill Exercise Training
- Pain-Free Walking Exercise Therapy
- Lower Extremity Cycling Training
- Aerobic Upper Body Exercise Therapy
Does Medicare cover this type of treatment?
From 2017: “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposes that the evidence is sufficient to cover supervised exercise therapy (SET) for beneficiaries with intermittent claudication (IC) for the treatment of symptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD).”
CMS proposes that Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) have the discretion to cover SET beyond 36 sessions over 12 weeks and may cover an additional 36 sessions over an extended period of time with a new referral if patients continue to be symptomatic.
How do I get an appointment?
You can reach out to our office here, to schedule your appointment & consultation. If your insurance requires a physician referral for physical or occupational therapy, you can go to our providers page and find the referral form there. Make sure that your physician’s office faxes the completed form to us.