Looking to Refer a Patient to PT or OT in Augusta, GA?
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Proactive Rehabilitation & Wellness
About Us
Proactive Rehabilitation & Wellness is a leader in physical rehabilitation treatment, taking a biopsychosocial approach.
We empower patients to make informed decisions, become drivers of their own healthcare, and to chart a holistic path to healing.
We envision a world where skilled, competent, and caring clinicians serve and care for engaged patients to promote better clinical outcomes, unmatched patient satisfaction, and lasting relationships.
Read on to learn about how to refer a patient to PT or OT at ProActive.
Our Philosophy & Treatment Framework
Refer a Patient to PT or OT for ProActive’s 4-Phase Rehab Approach
Phase I
Pain Relief
Phase II
Retraining Normal Movement
Phase III
Strengthening & Function
Phase IV
Self-Management & Discharge
There’s A Problem…
Do your patients get better? When you refer a patient to physical or occupational therapy, do they receive the full benefits of the services that you’ve recommend?
If you answered “no”, don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, what if I told you there’s a common problem in the therapy and rehabilitation field that costs our healthcare system tens of millions of dollars each year? Do you do know what that problem is?
If you guessed patient drop-out, or non-completion of therapy programs, you’d be right.
Here are some stunning statistics:
- Approximately 14% of therapy (PT/OT) patients do not show up for their follow-up appointments
- Between 20-30% will not show up to their third appointment
- Up to 70 percent of patients will fail to complete their full course if care [1]
Can you believe that? 7 out of every 10 patients you refer to therapy may actually never complete their course of care!
That can cost our healthcare systems tons of money on one hand. And on the other, it means that 7 out of 10 patients aren’t receiving the full benefit of the treatment they’re referred for. They’re stopping before their pain free, or they’re still experiencing their limitations.
So how do we overcome the fact that many of the patients referred to therapy services don’t complete their course of care? Well, we believe that the reason the drop out rate is so high is because most patients are disengaged from therapy services. Ultimately, patients don’t complete their plans of care because they don’t see the point of attending therapy. And it’s understandable when there’s a lot of ambiguity around physical and occupational therapy. How long will they need to see a therapist? What does success look like? What’s the real value or benefit that they’ll receive from therapy? What are the steps for recovery?
Without answering these questions, most patients simply fall off the schedule and never receive the full benefit of the services they’re referred for.
Our Solution: A IV Phase Approach to Care
We know from the literature and available research, conditions that require the treatment of physical or occupational therapy rarely resolve with infrequent visits or carryover in home programs. For example, the minimum dose to protect older adults from falls is 50 hours [1]. This likely requires more than a single visit, or even higher frequency than 1 visit every other week or once per week.
In fact, research also suggests that patients experiencing musculoskeletal pain, including chronic pain, show greater improvement and adherence to home programs by following 8 weeks of supervised physical therapy exercises, twice per week [2]. So the research supports seeing a physical or occupational therapist for more than just a visit or two. The research also suggests, however, that you don’t need (or want) to see a therapist several times a week for months on end. What you want is a plan of care with measurable goals & objectives and a defined time period.
That being said, at ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness, we take a 4-Phase approach to rehabilitation Programs
ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness uses a 4-phase rehabilitation approach to treatment. These four phases may overlap and may not necessarily be distinct, but it helps to think about a course of care as having 4 phases.
Below are the 4 phases of ProActive’s rehab program development, specifically for musculoskeletal pain (MSK) and orthopedic conditions:
- Phase I: Pain Relief
- Phase II: Retraining & Return to Normal Movement
- Phase III: Functional Performance and Targeted Improvement (Strengthening)
- Phase IV: Self-Management & Discharge with Independence
[1] Shubert, Tiffany E. MPT, PhD. Evidence-Based Exercise Prescription for Balance and Falls Prevention: A Current Review of the Literature. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy 34(3):p 100-108, July/September 2011. | DOI: 10.1519/JPT.0b013e31822938ac
[2] Matarán-Peñarrocha GA, Lara Palomo IC, Antequera Soler E, et al. Comparison of efficacy of a supervised versus non-supervised physical therapy exercise program on the pain, functionality and quality of life of patients with non-specific chronic low-back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2020;34(7):948-959. doi:10.1177/0269215520927076
What is a Biopsychosocial Approach?
Simply put: humans are incredibly complex (tell me something I don’t know, right?)
In the past, a biomedical model of practice placed symptoms, diagnoses, and physiological issues at the forefront of clinician’s mind. While these factors are important, they represent only a fraction of the whole person, the individual patient, sitting in front of us. Each patient is a unique individual with unique situations and factors; not just a diagnosis out of a textbook.
We understand how physical, psychological, and social/environmental factors interact throughout a patient’s experience experience of a disease, injury, or illness. We also understand that there are too many factors at play for rigid treatment protocols or “cookie-cutter” treatment programs.
We don’t simply rely on a diagnosis or symptoms to determine which treatment option, assessment tool, or outcome measure will be most effective for a patient. We look at their whole person, not just the aches and pains they’re currently feeling now. We address the precipitating factors, resulting in a holistic treatment approach, and leading to better outcomes. When you refer a patient to PT or OT at ProActive, we take the time to dive into more than just what’s on the surface. We want to make sure they get the most effective treatment possible for their specific situation and condition.

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In an effort to help as many people as possible, and to spread our vision of a better healthcare, Proactive Rehabilitation & Wellness has committed to creating multiple options for learning & benefiting from our expertise & services.
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Rafi is the host of
The Better Outcomes Show, a podcast that explores the possibilities of a new healthcare. From time to time, he interviews guests that share helpful insight and advice for people looking to improve their health and performance. We'll share those episodes on our resources page, but you can also follow this link to listen to
the show on that site.
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