New Patient Forms
Don't waste time in the clinic filling out patient forms... Fill Out Your Paperwork Online!Patient Forms
Listen, everybody hates paperwork. It’s mundane, repetitive, and arguably of little value to you achieving your goals, overcoming your limitations, and managing your pain. That being said, we live in a world where paperwork is a necessary evil that we must endure in order to help you on your unique road to recovery, better health, and/or improved performance. Our promise is to try to make it as painless as possible.
To make your first visit go as smoothly as possible, please download the forms below and fill them out completely. You can either print them, fill them out in blue/blank ink and bring them with you for your first appointment; or, you can fill them out and email them to us. If you are unable to print or download the forms, you can call or email our office to request that we mail you the forms to your address; or you can stop by the office to pick them up. If you do not fill them out prior to your appointment, you will need to fill them out in our office prior to beginning your appointment.

Getting Registered For Your Appointment
There are only two (2) steps to get registered for your upcoming appointment with us at ProActive:
1. Complete the quick registration forms below
2. Fill out the new patient paperwork & consents located below the registration link
Boom! It’s that simple!
If you want to request an appointment online, you can click here.
Complete The Quick Registration Form Below To Create Your Profile In Our System
Once you complete the form below, you’ll create your profile in our system and will get access to your patient information portal.