I frequently get asked two questions by patients in the clinic, specifically when it comes to Fat Loss: How do I get rid of fat on my _____ (arms, legs, stomach, etc)? What is the best exercise for burning fat? In this article, I’ll do my best to answer these...
Note: This is a follow-up on a series of articles that we’ve written about minimalist shoes, transitioning to minimalist running, and a training program for transitioning to minimalist running. Thinking about transitioning to minimalist running, but not...
Note: This is a summary and follow-up article to a couple longer pieces we wrote last year about minimalist shoes & transitioning to minimalist running. We also did an article and video on transitioning to barefoot shoes and a brief review of some shoes I’ve...
Testing Your Physical Fitness & Health with the Sit to Rise Test Did you know that physical fitness plays a significant role in mortality rates (ie. death!) of people between the ages of 51-80 years old? There’s also an easy way to test your physical...
Have you heard of the Serratus Anterior? If not, you’re not alone. In fact, this muscle tends to be one of the most overlooked muscles in the shoulder, both by exercise trainers and people with shoulder pain. The good folks at Bustle tried to gather some more...
Let’s talk about kettlebell exercises. We talk a lot about exercise and movement here at ProActive. In fact, we think so highly of exercises around here that we developed a course on creating and implementing exercise into your daily life! This article was...
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