
Jiu Jitsu Recovery

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Jiu Jitsu Recovery Programs | Augusta GA


Get the tools you need for injury prevention, recovery, & improved performance with grappling, training, and jiu jitsu. Our goal is to get you back on the mats as quickly as possible, while ensuring that you are stronger, more mobile, and more resilient to jiu jitsu injuries. At ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness, our Team of clinicians focus on orthopedic & musculoskeletal performance and injury recovery, giving you access to a wealth of experience and expertise aimed at getting you back to jiu jitsu and grappling, improving your performance, and building a strong foundation to prevent injury in the future.

Why Choose ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness for Your Jiu Jitsu Injury Recovery & Performance Partner?

As an Occupational Therapist, Rafael E. Salazar II, MHS, OTR/L (Rafi) specializes in treatment of outpatient orthopedic conditions, including upper extremity specialty rehabilitation for performance. As a Jiu Jitsu practitioner himself, he’s developed treatment approaches for Jiu Jitsu-specific injuries and conditions; with the aim of injury prevention and return-to-grappling programs. In addition the Team at ProActive focus on treating musculoskeletal conditions for the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, back, hips, knees, and ankles. Here are some of the BJJ-related issues we can address:

  • Shoulder Injuries (been caught in a Kimura recently?)
  • Low Back Pain (got stack-passed?)
  • Elbow Extension Injuries (that arm bar got tight quick, didn’t it?)
  • Meniscus Injuries (heel hooked?)
  • Knee injuries (knee bars can be painful…)
  • Neck injuries (inverted too far?)
  • Low cardio (gassing out after the first round?)
  • Strength-related performance issues (stronger joints are harder to injure)
  • Longevity concerns (train for years while preventing injury)

Read about our Jiu Jitsu Recovery & Performance Programs below.

Jiu Jitsu Augusta
Jiu Jitsu Armbar
Jiu Jitsu Recovery

Jiu Jitsu Recovery & Performance Programs

ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness use evidenced-based, proven therapy techniques and treatment approaches to treat many conditions, injuries, and issues that come up as a result of Jiu Jitsu or grappling.

As with any area of medical research, evidence changes whenever new studies are published. That being said, while Jiu Jitsu has been shown to be beneficial for promoting physical fitness, mental health, and even treating PTSD in veterans, it does come with risk of injury. We’ll just share a few recent findings from the research here:

2 out of 3 Jiu Jitsu athletes report an injury each year [1].

The most common types of injuries & fractures were located at the hands/fingers and knees [2].

Despite the injury risk, a 12-week Jiu Jitsu exercise program did show significant improvement muscle strength in upper and lower extremity, muscle endurance, flexibility, and power. Cardiorespiratory fitness in Jiu Jitsu exercise groups was also significantly improved. Also, FMS (functional movement screen) total score and deep squat score showed significant improvement [3].

Jiu Jitsu Programs & Resources

Virtual Course & Resources

Choose from our digital resources that have been specially tailored for injury-prevention, recover, and grappling-specific mobility & strength. This program, called FusionFlow: BJJ Resilience Plan is aimed at allowing jiu jitsu practitioners to improve their strength & mobility, increase longevity in the sport, and prevent grappling-related injuries.

Jiu Jitsu

Physical & Occupational Therapy Treatment

If you are experiencing some pain or injury that’s keeping you off the mats, our team of clinicians specializes in helping patients recovery from injury and returning to the things they love to do (like jiu jitsu!). 

Our treatments and services include: 

  • Dry Needling Treatment
  • Spine & Low Back Treatment
  • Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  • Balance Training 
  • Post-Surgical Recovery Programs 
  • Tendinitis Treatments 
  • Mobility Recovery Programs 

Click the link below to learn more and schedule an appointment online now!

Jiu Jitsu Merch

Check out our line of Jiu Jitsu shirts, sweaters, mugs, and other merch!

Jiu Jitsu Merch
Jiu Jitsu Injuries

The 3 Most Common Jiu Jitsu Injuries: And How to Treat Them

If you train Jiu Jitsu, you likely know someone who rolls with an injury. Maybe it's a "bum knee" or "bad back". Maybe, you know people who lack mobility, and that's led to injuries over time. Either way, whenever you practice a contact sport, jiu jitsu included, you...
How I Lost 27 Pounds No Crazy Diets

How I Lost 27 Pounds without Crazy Diets or Magic Programs

I lost 27 pounds over the last year (2023-2024). Don't worry...this isn't some infomercial or MLM post. I don't have some magic program for you to buy. And there's definitely no shirtless pic action in this article. You're welcome. But what I do want to share is what...
Jiu Jitsu Mobility

Jiu Jitsu Mobility: Avoid Injuries & Improve Performance

OK, maybe you'v been bitten by the Jiu Jitsu bug. You started training a little bit ago, and now it's all you think about (maybe you've even gone and bought yourself some Jiu Jitsu swag). You get to the gym as often as you can and spend as much time rolling as...

Improve Your Jiu Jitsu Game & Avoid Injuries

Want to get better at jiu jitsu?

Tired of dealing with constant injuries?

The majority of grapplers and jiu jitsu practitioners underperform because they’re always stiff, sore, or injured…

In fact, many jiu jitsu athletes wonder how long they’ll be able to continue in the sport if they keep sustaining these injuries.

We know that everyone — regardless of age, injury history, or ability level — can continue to improve their performance on the mats, AND live a long, healthy, and pain-free life. You just need some guidance from clinicians and professionals who understand jiu jitsu, its demands on the body, and common mechanisms of injury.

Click the button below & send us a note to learn more about how our clinicians can help you train, recover, and improve your performance on the mats!


Jiu Jitsu Recovery Program
Jiu Jitsu Throw
Jiu Jitsu

What People Say About Us


I love the one on one and they really take time with their patients. 

As a clinic administrator and health executive for 10 years, this experience has been refreshing. You all have to share what you have here. You’re definitely winning. From beginning to end, a great experience.

Personal therapy designed to assist with return to full function. The staff is friendly and professional

ProActive Medical Professionals

The staff are accommodating, talented, and very welcoming…a true blessing to our local medical community!

Jeremy Rueggeberg

Medical Professionals Magazine

Our Augusta Clinic

2103 Reedale Ave. Augusta, GA 30906

Phone: 706-814-6887

Fax: 706-814-6587



Monday: 8:00am-5:00pm

Tuesday: 8:00am-7:00pm

Wednesday: 8:00am-5:00pm

Thursday: 8:00am-7:00pm

Friday: 8:00am-1:00pm